Submit an Article

Become a Guest Writer

If you would like to be a guest writer for the International Youth Scientists and would like to publish an individual piece, please check if your article follows the guidelines outlined below. To submit your article, fill in the form below:

You will be notified via email if we decide to publish your work, and you will receive full credit. Please note that once the International Youth Scientists has decided to publish your work, you may not submit it for publication to any other platform. Submissions will be on a rolling basis.

Article Guidelines

Word count: Preferably 500~600(Minimum 350, maximum 1000)

*if you write over the word count, we might have to remove some sections of your article


  1. Introduce and explain a scientific concept/theory/phenomenon.

2. The content of the article has to have a STEM focus. However, feel free to take an interdisciplinary angle as well! Examples of potential interdisciplinary topics include: the Mathematics of Music, the Chemistry Behind Cooking etc.

Remember, you are writing for students, not professors so please do not assume high-level of prior knowledge. Explain terminology and use analogies for complex ideas.


Please include a bibliography/works cited section at the end of your article. All citations must be of the latest MLA formatHere is a useful online citation maker. In-text citations are required. We will not accept work submitted without proper citations.

Special Categories:

  • News(example)
    • A recent event (in the past month) analysis from a science point of view
  • Interview(example)
    • Primary source
    • Separate format(template)
  • Research Paper(example)
    • Follow the scientific method
    • Method/Data on a separate document(example)
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